Oki And Harlo: Fairytale Friends

Children's books have this innate ability to wake up the sleepy Peter Pan even within defiant adults. This story, meant for children, made the child in me think and feel.

The plot revolves around the unusual friendship between a goat and a star. I wish I could elaborate the but that would act as a spoiler. I really do not want to give away even a wee bit of this awesome story. Please read it yourself.

Cas has used words that can be easily understood by both adults and children alike. Even the non-readers can comprehend if the story is read aloud to them. The ending I felt was a bit rushed up. Yet at the same time it gave me the feeling that it was a cliffhanger. Maybe there is a sequel. Trust me, if there is a sequel to this story, I would read it too. The narration conjures up imageries. It appeals to every sense. It makes you see, hear, feel, taste and smell alongside every situation encountered by the duo. The ebook is an interactive book. There are spaces for creating your own drawings and illustrations. That is what makes this book unique.

Both Oki and Harlo are adorable. They have distinct characteristics and yet make an amazing pair. Cas has used all characters to evoke varied emotions.

To sum up, this story is about friendship, overcoming obstacles, being selfless, showing kindness, expressing gratitude. It is a must read read aloud book for children to help them learn about values and relationships. An amazingly awesome story you would feel like reading again and again and again.

P.S - Cas I hope there is a sequel. Both Oki and Harlo are two characters you will fall in love with.

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