Hawaiian Healing
As the saying goes, from the frying pan into the fire, Libby's first book was all about from one heartbreak to another. But this book brings about a definite end to the earlier heartbreak. The first installment of Kayla's story definitely made me wait for the second book. And yes, I was not at all disappointed. The plot revolves around Kayla and Jay. Best part, it has been kept simple with no unwanted twists and turns. I love happy endings and this book did end on a positive note with a promise of yet another finale. This sequel is like a true blue Bollywood Romance Movie. I could mentally hear background scores based on the mood of the scene, for example, I could hear drum beats when there were tiffs and violin strings when the mood was sad. Libby' descriptions have the power to evoke loads of imageries. I truly felt I was there while Kayla was snorkelling, exploring the yet to be seen places of the Big Island. Hawaii has been so aptly described that it is as if t...