Tainted Lionheart

Tainted Lionheart is a collection of prose and poems that touches every chord of human heart. The collection deals with all the phases of heartache that a person is bound to go through. Divided into three parts, this collection uses a mix of prose and poetry to bring out varied emotions. Sometimes, life brings in pain. Along with it come feelings of anger, contempt, grief, remorse and a host of other negative emotions. This collection attempts to deal with these. The entire collection resonates a powerful message. This anthology succeeds in bringing out that its okay to grieve, feel pain, get angry and hurt. Christine is an amazing writer, or rather, a prose poet. The choice of words amplify the feelings that each piece of writing evokes. The imageries are vivid, narration is heart wrenching at times and language is sans profanity. To sum up, the entire collection is a symbol of a lion heart or a lioness heart aka braveheart, who has the courage to go through all the p...