Recrimination: Author Mangalam Shiva

After the doctor left the room, Dinesh opened his eyes and slowly talked to his parents.

“Mummy, Daddy, It is terribly painful. My whole body is paining. I do not know how long I have to bear this torture. I know I have only a few hours to live. I am not blaming you both. But I have to tell this to you. Where were you both in the years when I was growing up? What have you achieved by amassing crores of cash, jewels, landed properties, and curios etc.? You did not devote any time for me when I was growing. I was longing for your company, for your affection, for playing with you. But I was left alone by you to take care of myself. I never demanded anything from you. I never asked for any costly gadgets or dresses etc. I never threw any tantrums on anything. I just wanted to study well and get a seat in medical field. Even that is worthless ambition now. After I leave, what are you going to do with all this wealth you have amassed legally and illegally? Daddy, I know many things about how you got the money.

Daddy, Mummy, please do not get dejected in life after I depart. I am not giving any advices to you. Please stop taking all the illegal cash rewards from people for the favors you do to them, enough is enough. Can all this money and wealth get back my life after my death? Then what is the value for these assets? Have you both enjoyed this wealth? Did I enjoy the wealth? May be, we are being punished for taking illegal money from people, however hard you may try to justify this.

Daddy, please do not leave politics out of disgust or misery, continue being the finance minister. I read in TV channels and in newspapers that you are doing a fantastic job for the state as Finance minister. Common people are happy having benefited immensely by your schemes and facilities. Industries are flourishing in our state because of your constructive, growth oriented policies. When you do any favors to your party men, to common people or to any industries, do not ask for money as reward. If possible, donate the wealth you already have, to some charitable institutes. Better still, you can build one T.B. hospital with ultra modern facilities, giving free treatment to deserving TB patients. There are lakhs of young children having TB in the initial stages, without their knowledge. You can arrange mobile campaigns in the state for identifying TB patients early and treat them in your hospital.

This is the last and the only wish I ask from you both. Will you do this?”

About The Author

Mangalam Shiva has published his book of short stories "EMPTY FISTS". 

The Author is a retired Marketing Professional having worked in well known public limited companies in India. After retirement he has taken to writing short stories with themes focusing on social injustices in India against Women & Children. Using his imagination and experience he has created situations & characters to portray in the stories. The stories are very emotional & poignant having attracted powerful comments from the readers.

He has a great passion for photography, listening to ghazals and reading fictions by authors like Robert Ludlum, Robin Cook, Sidney Sheldon, Jeffrey Archer, Tom Clancy, James Patterson, David Baldacci and many more. He has read about 250 books so far. 

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