Partially Broken Never Destroyed II: Mirror Mirror
I read this without reading the first book, however, this book has its own story to tell. Hence, I guess, I haven't missed much by not reading the first one.
The story is about Kayla, a young, divorced, single mother. She can symbolise all women, irrespective of caste, creed, religion, race, country and language, who wish to live life according to their own terms.
The plot is simple, yet, it is unlike any routine romance. There are twists and turns that enhance the storyline.
All characters are as real aas they can be. You can meet them in daily life. The flaws, qualities, emotions, are those which are exhibited by real people. The best part is, nobody is perfect in this story.
Nataisha has a beautiful writing style. There are abuses thrown in here and there, the story has its share of adult content as well, yet, they do not overpower the storyline. Reading the story was like watching a hollywood production.
To sum up, this story gave me a feeling that that one can be partially broken but never destroyed if one is strong. Also, the story title suggests that its a mirror-mirror situation, as in continuation of difficult times for Kayla. Well, I will surely read the first part now.
P.S - The ending hints at a sequel. I hope there is one!!!