He Knew A Firefly


When I finished reading this book, even I can say, yes, I too knew a firefly. The symbolic representation of the female protagonist through a Firefly in the title is best understood once the book is read.

The plot revolves around Akshara, her special power and three men who fall in love with her. Giving away the nitty gritties would act as spoilers. Hence, the fact that this book will force you to ponder well past your reading, is proof that its a must read.

The narration is fast and well paced. There are places where it may seem disjointed, but personall, I thought they were kept so in order to break monotony. Again, its my opinion only. Smita does have a way with words. Its like she has used language like a toy. The poetic interludes add a beautiful touch to the story. Reading the book is like becoming a part of it.

The characters are so well etched out that they are indeed, as good as real. They have their flaws, their ups and downs, their fears. Akshara is so very natural that she converts you into her empathizer.

To sum up, this book is unputdownable once you start. It will make you smile, fear, cry. And yes, its not the 'happy endings' type. Yet, it is a story that will touch a chord in your heart.

P.S- Smita, I hope there is a sequel and that has something good in store for Akshara!!!

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