Four Stars

Superb And Heart Touching

Dead To Them - Smita Bhattacharya

No Rest For The Wicked - Dane Cobain
Novice - Meghan McDonnell
Raven's Fall - Lincoln Cole
A Bargain In Silver - Josie Jaffrey
Kings Or Pawns - JJ Sherwood
Dreaganstar - Nan Klee
The Helper - MN Snow
Primogenito - Greta Cribbs
Dead Down East - Carl Schmidt
Hey Doorman VIII - John P Kildemm

The Sabbath - Arthur Nsenga & SK Francis
The Rest Of My Life - Sheryl Browne
IA: Initiate - John Darryl Winston
Waves In The Sky - Rakhi Jayshankar
The Question - R Breuer Stearns
Spirit Raiders - Savio Dawson
Going Back - Jennifer Young
Finding Sheba - HB Moore
October 32nd - Larry Rodness
Minor - Meghan McDonnell
Second Nature - Lauren Kuzimski
Daughters Of The Lake - Jane Riddell
The Homebirth Baby - Anita Evensen
Murder And More - Gerald Darnell

Out Of The Shadows - Tim Jopling
Afterlife - Ed Morawski
Doc's Codicil - Gary F Jones
When The Serpent Bites - Nesly Clerge
Seeking Redemption - Madhu Vajpayee

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