When The Serpent Bites

When I started reading this story my reactions towards the protagonist Frederich Starks kept changing. It began with empathy, justifications and finally disgust. How could a man ever behave like this???

As the story progressed, I realised there was a deeper aspect to it. This book talks of failed marriages due to hidden secrets, extramarital affairs and complete overconfidence in a relationship. Serpent is generally associated with negativity, distrust and other similar emotions. So, when a serpent bites, it definitely has severe effects. In this story, the protagonist was bitten by a serpent, that of jealousy and shock. His impulsive reactions were met with irreplaceable consequences.

Though the protagonist is not a very likeable character, he was someone who could be identified with in this world. In fact, the author has managed to create characters who had an element of realism in them. They could be anybody amongst us.

The plot is engrossing, in the sense, one could feel involved as a silent spectator as the story progressed. However, there was a tinge of negativity to it and the ending was not what I had expected, hence the four stars. In reality, I am a happy go lucky person and would definitely have nothing to do with a person like Starks. The story narration is a highlight though.

To sum up, when this serpent bit me, I did not like it at all. And after getting to know Mr Starks, I did not like to be bitten like this even more. Looking forward to the next book.

P.S- I got a free copy from Legit Lit Book Tours and Booklover Catlady Publicity in exchange of an honest review. Thank you.

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