Two Wolves Dancing

This book kept me engrossed till the last page. To be frank, I am not very fond of ghost stories, simply because, a few have literally scared the daylights out of me. But this book was not frightening and was more of paranormal encounter. The plot revolves around several themes - love, pain, loss, exploration, revenge. In fact, there are so many point of views that you end up getting different impressions regarding each scene. This story is about an individual's ability to cope up and react to situations beyond one's control. The basic lesson that can be derived is that we all have two wolves within us. It is up to us to feed them with goodness or sin. Also, every end definitely has a new beginning and losses can become major turning points in our lives. It is the multiple POVs that enhance this story. Hats off Francine. It is very difficult to craft a brilliant story with so many viewpoints. And what marvellous writing. It took me two days to complete this...