Misjudged Nuances
Read this book with the hope of discovering something new about medical professionals. Though didnot exactly unearth something novel in the plot, the story was readable.
The plot revolves around love and friendship between students of a medical college and later, its interns. The love story is sadly predictable, even though it revolved around the medical profession. I really was expecting something different. Hence, absence of a novel storyline cost a star.
Garima has a good grip over narration, hence, inspite of a predictable storyline, you can read the book from start to finish without a break. The dialogues are well written and keep the reader engaged. Luckily, usage of medical terms are limitted and are apt for the situation being described.
The best part about this book are the characters. They are doctors who are shown as any normal human being. They emote, they express and they have their beliefs. The story also brings out their vulnerabilities and the issues that interns and doctors face.
To sum up, the book is a quick read, neither too long nor short. Worth reading once, especially when you want a love story based on the medical fraternity.
P.S - If only the story had not had predictable sections!!!