Sapphire Hunting
Sapphire Hunting is all about the beauty of energy and its appreciation in different worlds. Yes, the story is set in different worlds. It definitely has a unique plot but sadly, it took me sone time and few chapters to understand the actual storyline. Maybe, physics has been my handicap, hence the delay.
The author has a wonderful ability to describe things. Even routine stuff have been elaborated in various ways. However, too much of descriptive words have overshadowed the storyline. Still, I am sure, the next attempt by the author would take care of this.
All the characters have a distinct role to play in the book. They are well written. On a lighter note, the description has definitely helped in better understanding of the individual plot! There is humour, there is friendship. The characters emote and sometimes are poker faced. They do succeed in value additions to the book.
To sum up, the author has attempted to create a unique story. Yet, somewhere down the line, the author's strength has resulted in inhibiting the projection of the plot. The ending is beautiful , as it promises a sequel. The next book will definitely take care of the flaws in this one.
P.S - Looking forward to another book where the storyline will be the hero and your descriptions will become supporting actor. All the best.